Ultrasound and Electrodiagnosis (EMG) of the Median Nerve training video is designed to provide a comprehensive approach to the use of ultrasound for the assessment of the median nerve and carpal tunnel. The presentation is structured to review the nerve anatomy, clinical assessment, the relative value and technical approach of routine electrophysiologic techniques, scanning techniques, and image optimization with ultrasound. In addition, the clinical basis for utilizing ultrasound for assessment of both normal / abnormal sonographic characteristics of the nerves, muscles, and other related anatomy is included.
- Anatomy, Scan Techniques and Pathology of the Median Nerve and Carpal Tunnel
- Goals of the Electrodiagnostic Examination for Carpal Tunnel Entrapment
- Cross Sectional Area Nerve Measurements
- Assessment for Anatomic Variants
- Neovascularization in Chronic Conditions
- Ultrasound Evaluation of Post-surgical Complications
Date of Original Release: 4/13/2023
Video Length: 1:43:00